Snowhaven Heritage Farm

The Snow Returns to Snowhaven

We’ve had a couple dustings so far this month, both of which melted right away, but this feels like the real deal! The day’s agenda included swapping out our rams. A.J. seems to have done a thorough job (we’re expecting our first lambs in early March!), but we thought we’d let Angus have one last crack at the girls. Unfortunately for both of us, the marking harness had done quite a number on A.J.’s coat. Luckily enough, it was a straightforward repair, so he waited while I zipped inside to take care of it.

Angus, meanwhile, was getting to know the ladies. I don’t think his posture will change until he’s back with the boys in a couple of weeks.

Also on the docket: refilling our latest hay feeders (large tote cages). We’re still making modifications, but Spice likes them just fine.


And here’s Bella, just because she’s so darn cute!