The Big News!

Wow, all sorts of stuff has happened since I last updated here!  (I’ve been keeping better track of it all on our Facebook page.)

Let’s see:

In April we welcomed two purebred Romney lambs to the flock: Mary had a little black ewe lamb on the 2nd, and Spice’s white ram lamb joined us on the 12th.  Sadly, we lost Tinkerbell’s lamb – we just didn’t get there in time to warm him and it just had to be really cold and windy that day.  He seemed like a really big boy, and she looked like it must have been a difficult, though unassisted, birth.


Later in the month, the first of three broody Icelandic hens hatched out her clutch, and we hatched out a few in our incubator and received a batch of chick from Schlecht Hatchery, including the much anticipated Lavender Orpington chicks.  We hope to be able to offer Lavenders next year, and have also acquired chicks from another source to be able to safely breed with more diverse genetics.  Our other two broodies hatched the following week and week-and-a-half, respectively – we currently have 20 babies running around the coop with their mamas.


Now, the latest BIG news:  Today we received our official certificate as a Wisconsin Tested Flock!  We are now able to offer for sale hatching eggs, chicks and older birds.  We hope to have prices sorted out soon and will be listing available birds as they come up (for more timely info, always check on Facebook.)  Icelandic and Barnevelder hatching eggs will be available in limited quantities beginning June 4th.

Feel free to get in touch: