It seems like life moves so quickly sometimes. It has been nearly 3 weeks since we welcomed home our new starter flock of Romeldale/CVM sheep: Carla, Carmel, and Coral, all 2-year old ewes, and Drew, a moorit yearling ram from Serenity Spring Wool in Richland Center.
We had been considering a second breed in addition to our Romneys for a while. We wanted the two breeds to be complimentary in size, temperament and basic needs since they’d be living together for much of the year, but have wool that offered different strengths and qualities to diversify our fiber offerings. We considered Blue Faced Leicesters, Tunis, Clun Forests, Teeswaters and others, but kept coming back to Romeldales.

We’ve enjoyed getting to know the girls especially over the last few weeks. Coral is the boss of the group, and equally enjoys graham crackers and pats. Carmel is mainly interested in the treats, but is the glamour girl of the bunch. Carla will take the treats, but will also stand quietly, enjoying rubs under the jaw and the base of her ears. What a sweetie!